Where is your faith?

What can separate us from the love of God?

Absolutely nothing at all.

Romans 8:38-39

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Remember the price Christ has paid. All Glory to God. If it wasn’t for Jesus where would I be without His grace? Just ask yourself that question.

We can win this fight. No correct that the battle is already won. We all win! Sometimes we have to laugh at the Devil because He tries very hard? If God is on our side who can against us?
You have to recognize that God loves for you runs deep. He’s such a worthy God. He is truly worthy to be praised.

Sometimes we fall down, but with God, we can get back up again.

I get at times after doing something wrong, I don’t feel like a child of God. Only here in God’s word Romans 8:38-39 I see that nothing can separate me from the love of God. God loves His children so much. If He didn’t love us, He wouldn’t have sent His son Jesus. No sin, no power, no death, no depression, no illness, no disease, nothing can keep me from God. But who the son sets free is free indeed.

Thus no matter what you do always remember God still loves you.

Romans 5:8 ►
But God proves his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Don’t consider for one second He has forgotten you. He knows each of you by name. God knows what you are praying for. He has not forgotten you. The provision has already been set forth. Before there was a problem He already created a solution.  The solution has been created since the beginning.

KEEP THE FAITH! your trust in God. No one but God can get you out of this situation. That’s why every time you attempted to do it own your own it failed. God is trying to tell you let go and let Him take over. Don’t attempt to take on that task in trying to do it on your own. 

Trust God, He will make a way…
If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


What it means to rest?

I haven’t post anything in a while. I have just been busy dealing with day to day matters. I like to just talk about a certain issue.


Here in the book of Matthew it really touched me. I have definitely been feeling the heaviness. As I study this verse, it just confirm to me what I always hear God speaks to me in Psalm 91 and that’s REST. Rest for all who are tired. I’m not simply talking about sleepy tired. I find when you fully submit to God and keep your mind on Him you just have this inner peace; Your not focus on the problem or yourself. Keep your mind on Christ. Dying to flesh daily. Allowing God to order your foot steps.

For every storm the sun comes out. For every problem, there’s a solution. For every pain, there’s a healing that takes place. For every dead situation, life can be restored. Is there anything too great for God? No, not at all.

Today remember the goodness of the Lord. I preach this message to myself as comfortably.  I notice that sometimes we can worry about the things that are not happening instead of the things that’s  already there. Consider for instance, we all have life. We obtain a meal daily. We are in good physical health. Some are blessed to possess a car. No matter what, there’s always something to be grateful for. So let go and let God. He will work it all out.

God bless to all of you:)☺😘
If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


You will make it, it’s not over

I was just here thinking of someone from my past. God instantly just drop this message in my spirit. I’m quite sure everyone saw the movie Friday. You know the part when his dad was saying  “You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day”.


 1 John 2:19 ►
They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

In other words, no matter who left you will still endure. If they were for you they wouldn’t have left you.
Either way, life still goes on. Doesn’t matter who went away, what they took. The Important thing that counts is your relationship with God. When you keep your mind on Him everything you need will be taken care.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ►
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

A time to gain, a time to lose. A time to make acquaintances, and a time to lose some. A time of sadness, and a time of peace and happiness. A time of wealth, and a time of famine. A time to lose your  focus, and a time to go back to being focused. A time for healing and deliverance. A time for tests and trials. No matter how difficult it looks its just for a season. A season that’s equipping you for the next great thing.

Today is the day of resurrection (04/05/2015). You better call your things in order. Christ didn’t die for nothing. He didn’t die for you to be sick ,and not get healed. He didn’t die for you to be broke. He didn’t die for you to be condemned.  He didn’t die for you to be depressed and not have life. But He did so that we can have life.

John 10:10 ►
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

 John 3:16 ►
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

                  Breathe again!


Its not over things just got taken off. It’s time to take our stuff back: family, money, health, peace, strength, job, joy, life etc. This is the day that the Lord has made.

Be blessed:)☺;)

I`m Rhonda Starling

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


Waiting on God


So today I was speaking to this customer at my job. She’s a very gracious and sweet lady. She was just enlightening me on how she waited on God for her hubby. Her husband passed away a few years ago.

She was merely saying how she’s content with being a widow. One thing that she mention to me was “Wait on God, what God has for you will be for you”. It wasn’t my first time hearing that. 

Which caused me want to blog about it. I have some things that I’m waiting on God for that hadn’t manifest yet. However I still believe its gonna happen.

 Isaiah 40:31 ►
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Exactly like me how many of you are waiting on God for something? It could be a mate, a car, a house, money,  new friends, a business, or peace etc. Just something you have been praying for months, maybe even years. In the back of your head you wondering when is it  gonna come about for you. You pray, and going to church all the time. Nevertheless, you see people who not saved getting blessed.

I recognize you probably think did God forget about me. God didn’t forget you. He knows all about you.(Keep on believing) He knows the kind of trouble you are in. (Keep on trusting Him).

He has a purpose in this time of waiting. You may not see it right now. But there is a purpose. I’m not just talking to you but myself. At this time you have to be encouraged.

I consider in that saying ” Good things comes to those who wait on the Lord”. He may not always arrive when you expect Him. But He constantly shows up right on time! This time it’s going to be better  than the last time.

Hence I am waiting on God. What about you all? I recognize it may be hard sometimes, but He will never put more on you than you can handle. Don’t settle for less! Only God’s best for you.

You are worth the wait, so hold on. You already have what it takes. Just keep waiting.

Psalm 139:14 ►
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Stop comparing yourself to others. Can I let you in on a secret? God never required for you to be like the crowd. So stop trying to fit in. People please stop with the “No new friends “. Some of us could actually do ourselves a favor and cut off Takiesha. Btw, I’m simply making up names. But you see the point. Some of you-all know you-all got that one friend that’s not trying to go nowhere. Yet they around just to waste your time. Get close to some folks, that’s trying to do something with their life and not hold you down.

1 Corinthians  15:33
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”

Ok, let’s say you realize all of this, but you don’t know where to start? Just pray about it. Prayer really works. Prayer is a way to establish a relationship with God. 

Philippians 4:6 ►
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Don’t grow weary in waiting. Don’t faint or lose heart, for in due season, you shall reap, if you faint not. ( Galatians 6:9 ).

Stay in the word everyday. Pray and meditate daily. Listen to praise and worship music. Cut out all that secular music. That’s only planting negative seeds in your spirit. Take in some church sermons. I love listening to Bishop TD Jakes,  Paula White, Bishop Eddie Long, and Joyce Myers just to mention a few. Stick around some Godly friends.

Make sure to include in your prayers for God to grant you the gift of discernment to test the spirit.

Just wait and see what God has in store. The Devil will try to send as many counterfeits, but wait on God. Don’t marry Him until you received God’s  approval. Don’t accept the job if God already told you your purpose. I know that you need the money. (Wait on God). Don’t party at that place anymore. There’s no agenda, there’s no purpose at that club.

But a whole lot of drama, sex, and drugs.

1 John 3:4
Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.

Proverbs 4:23
Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.

Be careful what you are doing.

I can go on and on why it’s important to guard our heart. I will keep that for another post in the future. Waiting on God you won’t be let down. Whatever He brings, you will last longer than the quick fix the Enemy tries to persuade you to settle for.

             Wait on God  

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I`m Rhonda Starling

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


When the promise seems slow in coming?

Have you ever been going through something and everything just seem quiet?


                         Wait on it.

If it seems quiet than you get louder. Get bolder with your petitions. Praise God greater than you ever practiced before. Even when it looks like God has forsaken you keep praising. Trust me, God has got you covered.

Philippians 4:6 ►
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

He asks for me and you to be a little more patient. If we get it too early we might mess it up.

Isaiah 40:8 ►

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”

God remains firm on His word. If He promises it, He shall bring it to hand. He’s a God of all truth. He never said that we will never face trials or we will never suffer here on Earth. But He did promise us to experience a good life.

John 10:10 ►
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

My God is good. He is awesome in power and majesty. He’s become my everything. Things occur to prepare us for what’s to come. It’s has already been established before we was ever born.

Ecclesiastes 1:4:9

What has been is what will be. And what has been done is what will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. 

It was already done. This made me think about Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. He use to say this same line when out hunting “Wait for it”. I used to think it was odd how he said it. Anyone who watched him know that everything he did was in a certain order. He will never just jump on a crocodile without sitting back and being patient. He will sit there until the opportunity arise then he will follow up on and overtake.

In a manner we should be just like him. You can see the promise, however it’s not that time yet. You have to press a little further. Sometimes we do things too early before the set time; Do things that’s outside of God’s will for our life. Good things don’t come easy. It takes some time. Sometimes we think we ready for the blessing.

Yet God shows us daily where we need corrections to be made in our life. I just want to add that if God promise you something wait for it. Don’t become weary because in due season you will reap if you faint not. Don’t get of tired of doing good.

I don’t know why I’m saying it. Hopefully somebody who is reading this, may do it right the first time. But if God says He’s going to do something in your life declare it and decree its done.

Don’t try to figure out how it’s going to work out. I watch people all the time trying to help God. Here’s an example If God told you last year He was gonna get you a brand new car.

Paid off! And so this year rolled around and you didn’t get your car yet. Thus then you figure if I can just go get a car, then God can just take care of paying the car note. And so you end up falling short on your bills and not sure how you are going to pay your next bill. Then you become mad with God. Let’s be real, God don’t need our assistance. He’s God Almighty. Everything He speaks comes into being.

Genesis 1:3 ►

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

When God desires to bless you He sends you a person. When the Enemy wants to curse you he sends a person. 

Test the spirit

Everything must line up with the will of His Word.

John 6:40″Believe, and You are Saved”For this is the will of God, that every one who sees the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life; and I will raise Him up at the last day.”

Be blessed☺

I`m Rhonda Starling

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


I believe…


Here in this post is linked to my previous post “Believe”. I purposed to make a believe statement. I encourage you to do one as well. Constantly saying it day and night until you watch it take place.

Mark 9:23

23 Jesus told him, “‘If you are able?’ Everything is possible for the person who believes!”

I believe that you are the Great I AM.

I believe that you are my healer.

I believe that you have a plan for me.

I trust you that my steps are ordered.

No matter what the enemy attempts to do to me, I’m protected.

I believe that I’m prospering every place my feet touch.

I am the head, not the tail.

Everyday I shall walk in triumph.

I entrust that your plan for my life will bless me to be a blessing to others.

I believe you’re my Lord and Savior.

Lord, I believe that whatever you bid me to do, I shall walk in it.

I believe you sent your son Jesus here on Earth to die for my sins.

So that I may have life and have it in abundance.

I praise you Lord for your awesome presence.

No matter what I can count on you.

I believe that I’m birthing something that will be fruitful and multiply.

I forget what lies behind and straining forward to what lies in front.

This will be my year!
If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 



So yesterday while in bible study I was reminded to believe God. I admit to having my moments. Where I believe but another part wondering how it’s going to take place.

Matthew 6:34 ►

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

In other words, it’s none of my concern. The best thing anyone could ever do is to believe God. If God has given you a dream, then walk in it. Don’t waste another day debating on whether you should trust God.

(If God said it He shall perform it!)

When we trust God, we are showing him that we cast all of our cares upon Him. Your blessings are not based upon your circumstances. Keep believing until it occurs. Yeah, you may not have the perfect credit score. Only if you trust God, He can cause the Realtor or that car salesman to show you favor.

◄ 1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Perhaps you wonder how God is going to help you pay your next light bill. Well, if you trust God don’t worry about how He’s going to do it. Simply know that He’s able! God don’t wanna just pay up your cards for this month He wants you to be financially free.

Through Him nothing is impossible. Doesn’t matter where you live, how much money you have in your account, or your past. What seems impossible is possible with God.

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


Let God be God!

Vengeance is mine, says the Lord.

Instead of taking situations in our own hands why not believe God to Be God. No matter what His way is always more honorable. It’s not wholly about how others treat you, but how we can trust God to repay them back. God is so loving. He is so holy. Thus, we are made in God image.

Romans 12:19-20

19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

If God can have mercy on us, don’t you reckon it’s fair to have mercy on others? Don’t repay evil for evil. Trust God and his timing.

Isaiah 40:31

31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

When we do things on our own we basically telling God we can do it. In other words, Lord I don’t require your help because I can do it on my own. You don’t have to say it like that. But your action tells it all.

Rather doing things our way let’s make a decision to trust God to take care of our problems. That way He won’t let you down, plus God will get the glory. If that person, not treating you right then God will dispense with them.

One thing I can say for sure is this:
God don’t it like when people treat His children in a bad manner.

Psalm 105:15 ►

Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.

Learn to trust God in all things.


If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


The wait is now over…. I finished up strong

The wait is now over
I finished my fast.

So I babbled a few weeks that I was doing the Daniel fast with my church. It was a struggle, but I managed it. I have done the Daniel fast before, but I didn’t consider it seriously. To be honest when it comes to fasting I will rather fast to anything except food. I include the Daniel fast has really challenged me. I love eating, especially eating chicken.

I had to stand firm and not fall into temptation. Trust me, I experienced plenty of hunger attacks. It’s crazy because the first week of my fast I had to travel down to my hometown. I went to Miami due to death in the family. Anybody that knows me know I enjoy the fast food places in Miami. It was a struggle having to buy food that I could consume.

One thing I discovered is that the things we think we can’t live without we actually can. I had been praying constantly. I admit I became a little distracted, but I got back on track. I desired to see God’s glory. I need His insight on what’s to do. I needed to have that revelation.

I Recommend to anyone who wish to hear from God and see His glory to fast. It’s a tremendous feeling to be in His presence. People may let you down, but God will never neglect you. I simply wanted to share my experience with you all.

God bless😇:)☺;)😇😇


Show mercy to others, exactly as Christ has shown you

Who can reckon from the time they was born, they have never done anything wrong? Who can state they died on the cross. No one but Jesus. Then what gives people the right to look down upon others. Simply because you confess Jesus Christ is your Lord & Savior doesn’t give you the right to think you’re better than others. God is faithful in all things. He made everyone different for a reason. We totally don’t see or think alike. In our walk with God some are slower in their walk than others.The matter is we all fall short in some arenas in our life. We may not get everything correctly the first some may even have to find out things the hard way.

But hey, every obstacle in our life is an opportunity for growth.

We suppose to love and attend to other Christians and Non – Christians. God himself said so. “Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul, and love your neighbor as you love yourself”. What’s hard about loving others who don’t walk the same path as you? Let God be the judge we don’t have to push others to walk the same path”. But let your light shine in front of others.

Then they will examine the good thing you do”. God love is genuine and He love everything about us. There is nothing we could ever behave that will separate us from him. He knew us before we was ever acquitted. Let’s all rejoice today for God and His goodness, for He causes the sun to gleam on the just and the unjust. Yeah, He’s just awesome like that.

Praise: Thanks be to God in heaven for this wonderful day. May we all walk in love and peace today.Rejoice today because you are a child of the Most high God.

Have a fantastic day:)
