Where is your faith?

What can separate us from the love of God?

Absolutely nothing at all.

Romans 8:38-39

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Remember the price Christ has paid. All Glory to God. If it wasn’t for Jesus where would I be without His grace? Just ask yourself that question.

We can win this fight. No correct that the battle is already won. We all win! Sometimes we have to laugh at the Devil because He tries very hard? If God is on our side who can against us?
You have to recognize that God loves for you runs deep. He’s such a worthy God. He is truly worthy to be praised.

Sometimes we fall down, but with God, we can get back up again.

I get at times after doing something wrong, I don’t feel like a child of God. Only here in God’s word Romans 8:38-39 I see that nothing can separate me from the love of God. God loves His children so much. If He didn’t love us, He wouldn’t have sent His son Jesus. No sin, no power, no death, no depression, no illness, no disease, nothing can keep me from God. But who the son sets free is free indeed.

Thus no matter what you do always remember God still loves you.

Romans 5:8 â–º
But God proves his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Don’t consider for one second He has forgotten you. He knows each of you by name. God knows what you are praying for. He has not forgotten you. The provision has already been set forth. Before there was a problem He already created a solution.  The solution has been created since the beginning.

KEEP THE FAITH! your trust in God. No one but God can get you out of this situation. That’s why every time you attempted to do it own your own it failed. God is trying to tell you let go and let Him take over. Don’t attempt to take on that task in trying to do it on your own. 

Trust God, He will make a way…
If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


So be thankful!!!


I did a post on Facebook about being grateful. I wanted to touch back on this matter. I feel as if some of us take for granted the things God has given to us. It’s easy to ask God for more blessings. But we aren’t fully satisfied with the ones He has given us. We complain, get mad, and get sad because we wondering when is God going to open up heaven and pour out you a blessing.

The thing is, God doesn’t have a problem with blessing you. How often are you grateful? Sometimes or maybe often?  Can you be thankful even if you had less? Can you be satisfied if everyone walked away from you? Can you remain thankful even if you lose the house? What if the the spouse or your boyfriend left can you remain thankful?

Our peace and joy doesn’t come from this world but from God. If we seek Him and place Him first He will give us the desires of our hearts. When we keep our eyes on Him we don’t have to worry about our situation. He will take care of it for us if we simply cast our cares on Him. Some matters are not worth stressing over. JUST LET IT GO!
You may not be happy with your current state of affairs. But let God figure out it out. Perhaps some of us need to be more like Paul in the Bible.

Philippians 4:11 â–º
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

I have a niece who doesn’t take well care of her clothes.  She frequently tells me she wants more clothes and shoes. I explain to her its not a problem with me buying you clothes but I need to see you taking better care of the ones you already have in your closet. Same thing with us how God desires us to be content. Be content and possess enough faith that if He brought you to it He will bring you out it. I like to add appreciate the things He has already given you.

Philippians 1:6 
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

So be grateful for God working with you. Be grateful for every day He has given you. Simply remember the things you’re complaining about someone else is doing a lot worse than you.  We are to be thankful in all things. Thankful when the Lord gives and thankful when the Lord takes away.

Simply wanted to remind someone to be thankful. We got people fighting for their life and we crying over a man or a job. Be thankful! 

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


Lose to win


Ephesians 1:7
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace

Prayer call message today:
Pray for those who hate you and hurt you.

We accept people who hurt us, fail us, lie  to us, cheat you out of things, cause you pain. It’s easy when hard times fall upon them to rejoice in their distress.

May even laugh at them the same way they have done to you in your situation. But how many of us actually sat down to look at the things that might cause them to do the things they do? Perhaps they are hurting just like you? You depart to God for your pain, they take their frustration out on others.

Maybe we so focus on revenge that we missed seeing them the way God views them. Yeah, they have done, you wrong, but are you willing to forgive and let it pass? God is so loving. He loves us all unconditionally. If you dissent with that look outside your window every time it rains.

God doesn’t permit it to rain only on the just but as well as the  unjust.  That means He extend His mercy to you and them as considerably. Thus before we condemn them, we need to think about some of the things God has forgiving us for.

But like them, we had hurt others. All the same God still has forgiven us. Then show them mercy. Make peace with them. When you loose them, then you are set free. (Hurt people hurt people!)

Matthew 6:14-15
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. 

Perhaps some of our prayers are not being answered because of all the unforgiveness in our hearts. It is written:

Proverbs 25:22
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.

It may not be easy to forgive, pray that God will grant you the grace to easily forgive. I’m not a great fan of the singer Fantasia. But sometimes you have to lose to win. This fight is not our battle its the lord.

Sometimes you have to forgive and keep it moving. #forgive&live

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my ebook A Single Woman Prayer Life: Her Weapons of Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through God To The Pulling Down Strongholds on Amazon. It’s only $4.99 or purchase the hard copy for just $15.99. If you already purchased book sow into a family member or friend purchase a copy for them today 


Keep trusting God

True testimony:

Hence today I woke up this morning to head to church for our 7:00 am morning glory textgram_1422033082service. The Bishop decided that the church do a fast for 14 days. The Bishop decided for this Thursday and Friday to come in to the church at 7:00 am. I woke up 15mins before the service began. I promptly got dressed then I ate. I step outside and discover that it is pouring down rain. Anyways, I press on and continue to hasten out the house and got in my car. It wasn’t till I went in my car that I realize that I don’t have that much gas.

Again, I press along. I reckon if I can make it to the church I’m good, and if I have to stop somebody after the service to help I will. The whole time I’m driving my car it is fogging up inside. I’m afraid to turn on the AC thinking that all the gas will run out before I get to the church.

However, I still push on. While on my way to church I’m just praying to get to the church safe. Then by the time I get to the church my mind is not even focus on my car. I simply got into His presence started praying and praising God.

Sometimes we have to come into His presence and release our problems. God already knows the things we need He just want us to look for Him. If you can just draw into His presence He will heal you, He will deliver you, He will bless you.

Going back to my testimony I was just worshiping God. Then the Bishop went on to speak God’s word over us. When it was time to release us he called everyone to the altar; me not recognizing what was about to happen just stepped up. He just started talking about RELEASE, RESTORATION, AND REWARD.

Before he can even finish what else God was ordering him to tell us he stop. He popped out saying there’s a young lady that came to church today in the rain and had only a small amount of gas in her car please come up. I was in awe because I wasn’t anticipating that. Matter of fact, I forgot all about that I barely had gas in my car. Then I walk up along with this other lady. As soon as we stepped up, he told us God has been bothering me about you-all.

Then he moved on to say he normally don’t carry cash with him, but this time he did. When I tell you God is good. I hear people talk about it all the time. It is a tremendous feeling to feel His glory.
But when you can get that in your spirit that He is you can walk in that.
Back to my story the Bishop pulled out money and handed it to us. Then People started coming up to us handing us money. Instantly I just knew it was God.

Now I’m not merely telling you to brag. But to simply just inform you that God is good. Even when you felt like He’s not with you at times I simply want to remind you that He still working on your behalf.

The whole aim of this message is to tell you that when you press through your problems and make time for God. He will induce others to bless you. He will turn your situation around. What looks bad He can turn it around for your good. No matter what situation you put yourself in, God will still bless you. Just imagine if God can bless me with that small gesture can you imagine what God can do for you?


Matthew 6:33 ►

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.